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Is it ignorance or apathy?
Hey, I don't know and I don't care.
- Jimmy Buffett
Related topics: Cynical
Where there is charity and wisdom,
there is neither fear nor ignorance.
- St. Francis of Assisi
At the root of all the harm we cause is ignorance.
- Pema Chodron
The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance -
it is the illusion of knowledge.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
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Envy comes from people's ignorance of,
or lack of belief in, their own gifts.
- Jean Vanier
Be - don't try to become.
Being is enlightenment, becoming is ignorance.
- Osho
Ignorance and bungling with love
are better than wisdom and skill without.
- Henry David Thoreau
The truth is incontrovertible,
malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it,
but in the end; there it is.
- Winston Churchill
We fear things in proportion to our ignorance of them.
- Titus Livius
Misunderstanding arising from ignorance breeds fear,
and fear remains the greatest enemy of peace.
- Lester B. Pearson
Uncertainty that comes from knowledge
(knowing what you don't know)
is different from uncertainty coming from ignorance.
- Isaac Asimov
Every optimist moves along with progress and hastens it,
while every pessimist would keep the worlds at a standstill.
The consequence of pessimism in the life of a nation
is the same as in the life of the individual.
Pessimism kills the instinct that
urges men to struggle against poverty,
ignorance and crime, and dries up
all the fountains of joy in the world.
- Helen Keller
Nothing in all the world is more dangerous
than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
The greater our knowledge increases
the more our ignorance unfolds.
- John F. Kennedy
I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance.
- Socrates
Beware of false knowledge;
it is more dangerous than ignorance.
- George Bernard Shaw
There comes a time in every man's education
when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance,
that imitation is suicide,
that he must take himself for better or for worse as his portion.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Where ignorance is our master,
there is no possibility of real peace.
- Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
- Confucius
Fear always springs from ignorance.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Truth is by nature self-evident.
As soon as you remove the cobwebs of ignorance
that surround it, it shines clear.
- Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi
True friendship can afford true knowledge.
It does not depend on darkness and ignorance.
- Henry David Thoreau
Dignity is a mask we wear to hide our ignorance.
- Elbert Hubbard
All the Buddhas of all the ages have been
telling you a very simple fact:
Be - don't try to become.
Within these two words, be and becoming,
your whole life is contained.
Being is enlightenment, becoming is ignorance.
- Osho
The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all.
- John F. Kennedy
All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence;
then success is sure.
- Mark Twain
Ignorance is preferable to error,
and he is less remote from the truth who believes nothing
than he who believes what is wrong.
- Thomas Jefferson
By giving us the opinions of the uneducated,
journalism keeps us in touch
with the ignorance of the community.
- Oscar Wilde
Against logic there is no armor like ignorance.
- Laurence J. Peter
Socialism is a philosophy of failure,
the creed of ignorance,
and the gospel of envy,
its inherent virtue is
the equal sharing of misery.
- Winston Churchill
Blinding ignorance does mislead us.
Oh Wretched mortals, open your eyes!
- Leonardo da Vinci
If the children are untaught,
their ignorance and vices will in future life
cost us much dearer in their consequences
than it would have done in their
correction by a good education.
- Thomas Jefferson
Life is an organic whole. The basic problems of the people -
poverty, ignorance, disease and civic inertia - interlock.
To address one problem, we must address all.
Hence our emphasis on an integrated program
of livelihood, education, health and self-government.
- Jimmy Yen
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge:
it is those who know little, and not those who know much,
who so positively assert that this or that problem
will never be solved by science.
- Charles Darwin
Where there is great love,
there are always miracles.
- Willa Cather
Believe nothing, no matter where you read it,
or who said it, no matter if I have said it,
unless it agrees with your own reason
and your own common sense.
- The Buddha
Where there's a will, there's a way.
- old English proverb
The jump is so frightening
between where I am,
and where I want to be.
Because of all I may become,
I will close my eyes and leap.
- Mary Anne Radmacher
If you don't know where you're going,
any road will take you there.
- Lewis Carroll
(Alice in Wonderland)
Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
- Louisa May Alcott
Find a place inside where there's joy,
and the joy will burn out the pain.
- Joseph Campbell
Footprints in the sands of time...
Where have you been?
Where are you going?
Why are you going there?
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy
is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet,
alone with the heavens, nature and God.
Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be.
- Anne Frank
Do not follow where the path may lead.
Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
To live is to choose. But to choose well,
you must know who you are and what you stand for,
where you want to go and why you want to get there.
- Kofi Annan
Where there is no accusation of "fault,"
there can be no anger.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
The journey between what you once were
and who you are now becoming
is where the dance of Life really takes place.
- Barbara De Angelis
Everybody needs beauty as well as bread,
places to play in and pray in,
where nature may heal and cheer
and give strength to the body and soul.
- John Muir
Remember, no matter where you go, there you are.
- Confucius
It isn't what you have, or who you are, or where you are,
or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy.
It is what you think about.
- Dale Carnegie
The ache for home lives in all of us,
the safe place where we can
go as we are and not be questioned.
- Maya Angelou
Know that joy blooms where minds and hearts are open.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Where there is shouting, there is no true knowledge.
- Leonardo da Vinci
Where there is injury let me sow pardon.
- St. Francis of Assisi
Compassion blooms where there is no expectation.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands
in moments of comfort and convenience,
but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Where There is Love, Nothing is Missing.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Die when I may, I want it said by those who knew me best
that I always plucked a thistle and planted a flower
where I thought a flower would grow.
- Abraham Lincoln
Where there is unconditional love,
there is no room for unhappiness.
Whenever I look in the mirror today,
I will say to myself: "That Is The Face Of God."
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Where are you going? Where does your path lead?
You can never know the future, yet wandering aimlessly
is unlikely to be the source of a fulfilling life.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
If you have built castles in the air,
your work need not be lost;
that is where they should be.
Now put foundations under them.
- Henry David Thoreau
The will of God will never take you
to where the grace of God will not protect you.
- Anonymous
The only place where your dream becomes impossible
is in your own thinking.
- Robert H. Schuller
There can be no deep disappointment where there is not deep love.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day
live in a nation where they will
not be judged by the color of their skin,
but by the content of their character.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Where there is love there is life.
- Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi
Why not go out on a limb?
Isn't that where the fruit is?
- Mark Twain
I want it said of me by those who knew me best,
that I always plucked a thistle and planted a flower
where I thought a flower would grow.
- Abraham Lincoln
Your big opportunity may be right where you are now.
- Napoleon Hill
Only aim to do your duty,
and mankind will give you credit where you fail.
- Thomas Jefferson
You know that place between sleeping and awake,
that place where you can still remember dreaming?
That's where I'll always think of you.
- James M. Barrie
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May the world be kind to you,
and may your own thoughts be gentle upon yourself.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
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